They call it the “happiest 5K on the planet” where brightly colored cornstarch blasts turn participants into streaking rainbows.
The Color Run hit Philadelphia on July 14th and our family was in attendance. For those who are unfamiliar, The Color Run is a 3.1 mile, un-timed race where thousands of participants are doused from head to toe in different colors at each kilometer.
I’ve been wanting to do one since its inception. Everything about it appeals to me.
Every time it came to Baltimore or DC, it was sold out before I could even register. But finally, we hit the jackpot. And it was worth the wait!
Joining us (TEAM GRAFFITI) were my sister and brother-in-law as well as my three nieces and two boyfriends. And out of the 11 of us, I was the only one with any race experience.
But no matter. You don’t need to have any experience, the Color Run is hella fun despite your previous race performances. (Or lack thereof.) What shocked me the most was the fact that my sons, having no previous race experience, managed to complete the 5K without stopping. Made this momma really proud!
I have to tell you that as good as the race was, the “Color Festival” / dance party afterward was even better. In fact, I’d say it was quite EPIC. Between the color blasts, music and dancing you would be hard pressed NOT to have a good time.
The only negative in my entire experience was the fact that my group didn’t want to dance. I regret not jumping into the mix anyway. Missed opportunity, for sure.
And you know what that means, don’t you?
It means I’m gonna have to grab some girlfriends and register for another Color Run. Like, STAT.
An epic dance party awaits…